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Open Mic Night!

Lewiston Ultra Events believes in rising up, running towards your roar, pushing past your limits and enriching communities.

As the snowline starts to creep back downwards in the backcountry and racing season fatigue sets in, we're going to keep the stoke going by inviting athletes, outdoor industry folks and other trail friends/fiends to say whatever's on their mind right now in a judgement-free space.

'Say what you have to say, not what you ought.' -Thoreau

That's right, whatever you want!

Did you run the perfect race this summer? Come on down, we want to hear about it.

Did you experience the world's most anti-climatic DNF? We want to hear about it too!

Got a controversial diatribe on what's grinding your non-bicycle gears right now on the trails? Sure, we'll bite!

Need to pour one out for a person, place or thing from our trail culture? This is the place.

Looking to sell something/got a terrible gear review? Actually, this is not the place for that.

Much like Thoreau, we're big believers in that if we're brave enough to tell it like it is and call it as we see it, this world would be a much lovelier place to be in because we'll be bold enough to push the edges of our comfort levels, put ourselves out there and find the space to be the best version of ourselves.

We'll kick off the first iteration of Open Mic Night with a ten minute talk from our celebrity emcee, Laura Green.

Join us Wednesday, October 4 at Globe Cinema!

Doors open at 6pm.

Meet & greet with Laura Green 6pm-6:45pm.

Open Mic Night starts at 7pm.

Ticket includes one beverage (beer, cider, pop, etc), Open Mic Night sticker & entry for raffle prizing & Lewiston Ultra Events giveways (while supplies last).

The evening will also feature a short film created by local trail runner, coach & PTRC run leader Joedy Dalke, from Attitude Over Altitude.

Subsequent open mic slots (5-10 minutes, or less) will be offered on a first-come first-serve basis until the end of the evening. If things get slow, we'll grab a random topic like how we feel about UTMB's latest actions these days.

We're super excited about this symposium as there are so many quirky, thoughtful, funny and fierce folks in our trail community; we hope this becomes a space for all of you to say what you need to right now - and not what you ought to.

Purchase tickets HERE

Huge love friends!

*Open Mic Night is hosted in the upper level theatre which includes stairs & is not wheelchair accessible.

*Globe Cinema is a licenced venue.


Join us Wednesday, October 3 at Globe Cinema!

Doors open at 6pm.

Meet & greet with Laura Green 6pm-6:45pm.

Open Mic Night starts at 7pm.

Ticket includes one beverage (beer, cider, pop, etc), Open Mic Night sticker & entry for raffle prizing & Lewiston Ultra Events giveways (while supplies last).

The evening will also feature a short film created by local trail runner, coach & PTRC run leader Joedy Dalke, from Attitude Over Altitude.

Subsequent open mic slots (5-10 minutes, or less) will be offered on a first-come first-serve basis until the end of the evening. If things get slow, we'll grab a random topic like how we feel about UTMB's latest actions these days.

We're super excited about this symposium as there are so many quirky, thoughtful, funny and fierce folks in our trail community; we hope this becomes a space for all of you to say what you need to right now - and not what you ought to.

Purchase tickets HERE

Huge love friends!

*Open Mic Night is hosted in the upper level theatre which includes stairs & is not wheelchair accessible.

*Globe Cinema is a licenced venue.

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